Friday 16 January 2009

You're So Young....

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we never grew old, but instead we grew young? Life would be so much more simpler wouldn't it? Well, not exactly. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button explores the life of Benjamin, a boy who is born old and, as the years pass by, gets younger. As a child his life is harder, due to the fact that people don't understand his predicament. However he soon meets a girl named Daisy, who loves the little old Ben. The movie dives into the life of these two extraordinary people and the trouble they have with father time.
But lets go back to the cool thought of being able to grow younger. In a certain way, as the movie stated over and over, people go through a phase of being dependent on someone, then being independent, then going back to being dependent. As a baby we are dependent on our mothers and fathers. But as we get older we gain experience and knowledge of the world around us. But then father time kicks us in the rear and we are back to square one. We grow more and more dependent on loved ones as our ability to hear, react and other body functions begin to fail. An older person with stiff legs is no better off than a newborn baby.  
Over all the movie grabbed you and never lets go. To this day, two and a half weeks after I saw the movie, I am still in a sense of awe. It gives me the shivers to think that one day I have to compete against such a masterpiece. Cate did a phenomenal job portraying Daisy. Her performance at the end was spellbinding. Brad Pitt also did an excellent job. I am amazed at the art behind the make-up. As Brad enters his last years he looks soooo much younger. He really does look like a teenager. If we look at him today he looks like any normal 40 year old guy. But the make-up artists took away those years and made him look really young. It was amazing.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was a hit. It deserves every Oscar it will be nominated for. If you have seen the movie try reading the short story. It is a little different from the movie, like most tend to be, but it is as captivating as the movie. I feel that the short story was also a little funnier than the movie. But it went much quicker, it was only a couple of pages long. But believe me, if you watch the movie and read the book, you won't be able to get Benjamin out of your head. It was just an awesome story that everyone should hear once in their life time. 


Siobhan said...

Juan, this makes me (even more than before) want to see the movie. Good job! You have enough description to lure the viewer to the movie, but you don't give away more than anyone would know from previews etc.

That's interesting about the makeup...he really looks like a teenager? Wow. I wonder how many people would pay to look like a teenager again? (not me...but then again, all my clothes from back then are back in style!)

Robin said...

This is a great piece of writing... I was all for the spoilers, but this is exciting even without the plot.. you found enough other things to talk about.

Robin said...

And also, the makeup was simply amazing. I actually didnt realize til halfway through it was brad pitt... even though the old man looked JUST like him.

Jeff Jacobson said...

Up to this point I honestly didn't want to see the movie. But now that I read it I true am captivated by the idea. Also, I'm glad you didn't have a spoiler in it.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this movie. I can't believe this film didn't win anything at the Golden Globes! While I don't like Brad Pitt very much but this movie has me intrigued if not a little creeped out.

Siobhan said...

It IS a little creepy--the idea of it--isn't it?

Juan's previous post was about Slumdog Millionaire and I should be writing this post there, but I think people are now onto this one, so I just want to say: I saw SM today and...GO SEE IT, EVERYONE! Juan, I have to say that when I read your review and you found it hard to describe some aspects of it, I though, how come? But when I just got home and tried to describe what was so great to my partner, I couldn't!! Ha, Juan is saying to himself.

It really is one of the most unique movies I've ever seen. And now I'll shut up because I hate when people go on and on and oversell a movie.

And I was just going to add something juicy (about another movie) but I don't want to put it on the internet...ask me ain class!

Jeff Jacobson said...

I agree with Emma and Siobhan, when I first saw the trailer, I thought the movie was too creepy, and a bit ridiculous.